I followed Jamie Oliver's recipe (Natürlich Jamie, p 314).
First I fried onions, garlic, chilli, cloves, ginger, celery, fennel, coriander seeds, chopped basil stalks, salt and pepper until soft.
I split this mixture into 3 deep pans. To the first I added a good half kilo of different kinds of red tomatoes plus half a kilo of tinned plum tomatoes.
To the other two I added green and yellow tomatoes.
I added 350 ml to all three pots and brought them to the boil to let the liquid reduce.
After the liquid reduced by half I puréed each mixture in a blender and then strained it through a sieve twice - this part was the most time consuming. To all three I added some basil, to the green tomatoes the most and also some parsley.
The resulting liquids went back into pots and on the stove. To each I added sugar and vinegar - I reccomend using less than in the recipe, maybe 2/3 and adding more after tasting. To the yellow sauce I added a bit of tumeric for extra colour.
While everything reduced again until it had the consistency of ketchup I sterilised the preserving jars.
And then filled the sauces into the jars while still very hot.
The red ketchup turned out quite hot and spicy, the yellow quite sweet and you can really taste the herbs in the green one. I'm not going back to bottled ketchup - this is too good! Now I'm hoping for lots of bbqs...